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May 16 2016
BLah blah blah
May 16 2016
Julie stands beside the windowHead full of additiveSophie wants an explanationJulie says she's none to giveJulie's got some timeBut she's not taking much moreJust a little bitMore than she bargained...
May 16 2016
Keep telling me you're skin deepAnd I believe you.Youre telling me talk is cheap.But you wont need to.Keep telling me good things come to those who wait,And I wont be...
Mar 16 2015
Donec viverra magna ac enim volutpat, vitae posuere libero tempus. Aliquam consequat risus turpis, interdum venenatis leo molestie id. Mauris gravida metus quis arcu pulvinar, a mattis nisi egestas. Phasellus...
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Quick info about our products:
FAQ shortcodes can be used for SEO optimization. Add more text anywhere on your store in an unobtrusive way.
Yes! You can manage widgets on homepage, in mega menu, in sidebar or even create a separate landing pages to make a better use of Shopify stores and sell more!
Shortcodes are text snippets that can be used on ANY page, collection, product, sidebar etc. They generate widgets on your store front end so you can sliders, product carousels, product page videos, columns, tabs, buttons, menus, contact forms etc ANYWHERE on your store. No need for custom development or paid apps.
For example, this FAQ section you are reading right now - has been created using shortcodes!
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